
    New ‘lens’ on the future of 咖啡: 推荐买球平台咖啡 defines contributions to SDGs with commitments to improve livelihoods, 社区与景观



    推荐买球平台咖啡, 主要的生咖啡原产地出口商之一,也是推荐买球平台食品配料公司的一部分, 宣布了它对咖啡行业未来的愿景吗.


    “咖啡镜头” ——代表“生计”, 教育 and Nature at Scale’- sets 推荐买球平台咖啡’s first formal sustainability targets for 2025 across its global, 直接咖啡供应链, 涵盖18个产地和约424个采购网络,000农民.

    与联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)保持一致, Coffee LENS专注于四个优先领域,以改善经济机会, 教育和技能, 咖啡行业的气候行动和生态系统, 目标如下:

    • 20万户家庭受益于生产力和收入的提高
    • All children of 咖啡 farmers in 推荐买球平台’s supply chain have access to education and young people are engaged in vocational training
    • 推荐买球平台咖啡全球足迹的温室气体排放强度降低了15%
    • All 推荐买球平台’s 咖啡 supply chains are deforestation-free with improved soil health and biodiversity at landscape level

    该战略将通过与合作伙伴-客户的合作来实现, 政府, 金融机构, 多边机构和非政府组织——并以十年的可持续发展经验为基础, 超过60人,在非洲各地种植咖啡的农民, 亚洲和南美洲已经得到了推荐买球平台咖啡的可持续发展支持.


    在17日联合国消除贫困日之前发表讲话 10月,推荐买球平台咖啡总经理兼首席执行官Vivek Verma说: “While the 咖啡 supply chain is highly fragmented making direct access to farmers difficult, 推荐几个足彩外围app的可持续发展目标每年都在增长, 提高可追溯性的重要性, 质量, 有利可图的农民和生活景观. 尽管推荐几个足彩外围app共同努力, many of the complex challenges in 咖啡 remain and are now compounded by COVID-19 imposed restrictions to markets and skilled labour squeezing incomes further.

    “因此,推荐几个足彩外围app的咖啡LENS战略, focuses our efforts on increasing the impact of what we are already doing through a more structured approach.

    “Through dynamic alliances and tools such as our insights platform AtSource and buying app 推荐买球平台 Directi推荐几个足彩外围app的目标是到2025年实现这些目标,产生可见和可扩展的影响. As a result, we will then be able to expand those targets further, re-imagining the future of 咖啡.”

    评论新战略, 卡洛斯·白兰度, 董事局主席, 全球咖啡平台(GCP)表示: “作为全球咖啡平台的创始成员, 推荐买球平台是咖啡行业走向可持续发展的主要推动者之一. 直接与生产商合作, 推荐买球平台对咖啡更具弹性的未来的雄心壮志, 农民富裕的地方, 社区繁荣,景观再生, 补充了GCP的多利益相关者竞争前框架和倡议, 推荐买球平台完全支持. This is particularly important at a time when sustainability is and must continue to be a shared responsibility.”

    Heske Verburg,欧洲团结组织董事总经理,可持续发展合作伙伴ii 他补充道: “Solidaridad和推荐买球平台拥有共同的愿景,即繁荣的农民和具有复原力的农业系统, providing a solid base for a promising alliance to integrate shared value solutions into the 咖啡 supply chain, 创造大规模的积极影响."

    每年将报告咖啡LENS的进展情况, 由100个经济体的数据跟踪和支持, 的社会和环境指标 AtSource.


    推荐买球平台食品配料(OFI)首席执行官A Shekhar总结道:推荐买球平台’s Coffee LENS strategy exemplifies everything that OFI stands for: striving to ensure that sustainability is at the core of our offering not only in Coffee, 但在推荐几个足彩外围app多样化的“潮流”成分和解决方案组合中. We want to help our customers curate their own sustainability journey to meet the increasing demands of consumers for food products that are not only 自然 but right for both planet and producer.”  




    i 推荐买球平台 Direct: a digital buying platform giving farmers access to daily prices and the ability to transact with 推荐买球平台 directly

    ii 推荐买球平台咖啡正与Solidaridad合作 循环咖啡项目 在秘鲁. 其他全球合作伙伴包括IDH、美国国际开发署和TechnoServe.


    推荐买球平台食品配料(OFI)是在推荐买球平台国际的基础上诞生的一个新的运营集团. OFI提供可持续发展, 自然, value-added food products and ingredients so that consumers can enjoy the healthy and indulgent products they love. It consists of 推荐买球平台’s industry-leading businesses of Cocoa, Coffee, Edible Nuts, Spices and Dairy.

    OFI已经建立了一个独特的全球价值链,包括自己的农场, 农场大门的起源和制造设施. OFI与客户合作, 利用其互补和差异化的“潮流”食品组合, to co-create solutions that anticipate and meet changing consumer preferences as demand increases for healthier food that’s traceable and sustainable.

    推荐买球平台 International is headquartered and listed in 新加坡 and currently ranks among the top 30 largest primary listed companies in terms of market capitalisation on SGX-ST.

    订阅推荐买球平台新闻编辑室,请点击 在这里 (隐私权声明 在这里). 如果您不希望收到来自推荐买球平台的信息,请联系


    推荐买球平台酒店位于新加坡7 Straits View, Marina One East Tower #20-01,新加坡邮编018936.
    电话:+65 63394100,传真:+65 63399755.




    • 尼基理发师
    • 集团公关负责人
    • +44 2074848994, 7568108555
    • 尼基
    • Ong Chor Hao
    • 副主任
    • +65 96272674
